Mental Health Anticipation On how you should strive to be the one in control of your life and how much it sucks when you lose this control. And how you can't do anything but trust and believe in intentions of those who are.
Physical Health Being Fat My perspective on how I managed to establish and control my physical state. Also on how I failed doing that
IT Services Blogging, Again Now that we established why blog, we should have a look at were to blog. Far harder a question. But there has to be a right pick, right? I had to update this article multiple times.
Scribbles Biggest evils Let's make fun of our pet peeves while slipping in an important lesson on history and true evil. Look at the contrast and judge for yourself: Do our daily anger manifestations even matter?
Books Fame Three stories capturing three different reactions to personal fame in reflection on Hank Green's book An Absolutely Remarkable Thing. Is fame what anyone in the world should want?
Relationships Coldplay Let's tell a love story with songs of a single band. And let's not pretend there is anyone that gives it enough feelings but Chris Martin and his Coldplay.
Mental Health 3 seconds As is the case with so many young adults of alpha generation, I was unsure about my purpose in life and had difficulties uncovering it. But there was this nudge I want to tell you about.
Mental Health Childhood Lies Why it is okay for kids and adolescents to make up things and why we should not call it lying. When should this behavior come to a stop?
Workplace Disappointment It sucks to deal with matters completely irrelevant to the focal point of your job. Some corp-dinosaur employers expect it of you, though. Arrrrgh
Economics Czech Academia and Economics The Czech academic community that concerns itself with economics is stuck in obsolescence and treats itself as a monarchy. So, am I really better of in England?